Stress Less Masterclass

For perimenopausal and menopausal women whose stress levels are making their symptoms 10 x worse!

Weds 10 July

8pm (UK time)

This LIVE Masterclass is going to show you exactly why your stress levels are going through the roof, and how you could be making things worse even though you think you're helping.

You'll also learn how to take back control of your stress, and feel calm, energised, and able to get on with living your life.

And there will be a chance to ask questions at the end.

Don't worry if you can't make the 10th July - everyone who signs up will be sent the recording after the live event

Tell me if this sounds familiar?

  • You're waking up at 3am every morning, your mind going crazy, worrying over every small detail of the day before, and that's it - sleep is over for the night

  • Your anxiety is taking over your life, you feel like you're constantly on the edge and ready to snap

  • Your tummy is ricocheting between whirling like a washing machine and feeling so bloated you look 6 months pregnant

  • Your clothes don't fit anymore as you're gaining weight and you've no idea why

  • You're feeling under pressure at work because you can't concentrate and keep forgetting things

Now imagine this ...

  • You sleep like a baby and feel refreshed every morning when you get up

  • You feel calm throughout the day, no matter what is thrown at you

  • You feel energised all day long

  • You are more present at work, and more productive

  • Your tummy feels calmer and flatter

  • Your clothes fit better, and you're not constantly trying to breathe in to look slimmer

Here's what you'll learn when you join the FREE Stress Less Masterclass

  1. The secret of what to eat (and what not to eat) so you can feel calm all day long

  2. The step-by-step framework so you can sleep like a baby every night

  3. Proven strategies to help you build more resilience to stress so you can cope with whatever the day throws at you

  4. The exact forms of exercise you should be doing so you feel energised not exhausted

And much, much more!

Don't worry if you can't make the 10th July - everyone who signs up will be sent the recording after the live event

Hi, I'm Zara

I'm a Registered Nutritionist, and I specialise in working with perimenopausal and menopausal women just like you.

If you've been told that symptoms like feeling stressed, poor sleep, low energy, hot flushes and brain fog are just part of getting older, this simply is not true.

I want you to know that you don't have to put up with out-of-control hormones.

I help midlife women feel better using nutrition, functional testing, lifestyle changes and targeted supplements so that they can get on with living their life.

I've been where you are. Juggling work and family, and not taking proper care of myself led me to feeling hugely stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted.

I took the time to implement the steps I will teach you during this Masterclass for myself, and very quickly I felt back in control, calm, much more productive, and able to cope with everything that life throws at me.

Copyright Zara Watt Nutrition 2024